prescription, human needs, and consumption in a rationalizing society.

2010-2011 / ENSCI-Les Ateliers
Graduation Thesis under the direction of Sophie Coiffier et Olivier Assouly
(Original title : « TOUT VA BIEN ! » : prescription, besoins humains, et consommation dans une société rationalisante )

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What is a need? "How does it work"? After an overview of what might be its definitions, gradually appears the question of who builds those definitions and in which context: the Needs Prescribers. It seems that objects, goods and services have the primary function of satisfying our needs... Sorry! Desires!... No, I apologize once again: our needs... Needs or desires?... Here are the roots of the consumer society, which today has become a hyper-consumer society, a system where prescribers melt needs and desires in order to exacerbate those of consumers. Design generates, among other things, objects and services. Is it a prescriber or a prescription tool? What's design posture in such a system? My thesis contains text inserts that punctuate the theoretical approach of my research by concrete situations reports, references to movies, songs. They propose a different path to get into the subject. Free HTML5 by FreeHTML5.co

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